Finding Advice & Help
If you need any help or advice for anything then our staff at The Beacon are always there to listen. Here are some links that may give you some more help if needed.
ChildLineChildLine gives help to children for any problems and worries. You can call them on the number below, or click on the logo and it will take you to the website where you can message the ChildLine counsellors.
Online SafetyCEOP helps any child who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. This can be something that has taken place either online or in 'the real world' or both. You can click the CEOP button below for advice and to report directly to CEOP.
Cyberbullying AdviceWest Mercia Police have written some really helpful advice about cyberbullying. Click the image below to read the advice for children.
Anti-Bullying at The Beacon
The Beacon is a safe place for all children to learn. We will always do our best to make sure any bullying is dealt with as everyone has the right to feel safe. Below is our child-friendly anti-bullying policy that all the children at The Beacon helped to write. It has some really important advice for what to do if you are bullied or if you see someone else being bullied. Together we can stop bullying from happening.