Beacon & Home Communication
Regular communication between staff at The Beacon and parents and carers is really important to us. The types of communication are varied and include:
Daily Link Books
Link Books are sent home every day. The class teacher and/or TA complete the Link books with information about your child's day and any reminders. Parents and carers need to sign the book daily and can add any comments or questions.
Home High 5
Every week we send home a 'Home High 5' for parents and carers to record something positive that their child has done on the weekend. These are shared with your child in the Unit and develops the positive communication. |
Parent Phone Check-Ins
Key staff (class teacher or TA) for each child will phone home fortnightly to check-in with parents or carers. This gives staff and home chance to share any successes and any concerns. |
Open Door Policy
We have an 'open door' policy so we welcome any parent or carer to contact us if they wish to discuss anything. We will always aim to make time to speak with you that day.