Vision and Mission

Our Mission

Success and Achievement for Everyone

'Success and Achievement for Everyone' describes Beacon PRU.  The pupils are at the heart of everything.

IQM Assessment Report 2020

Our Vision

To provide an outstanding educational provision that supports the individual needs of all our pupils, offering rich learning experiences with therapeutic care to ensure the best outcomes for all.

To enable all our pupils to flourish and grow in all aspects of their development, so that they are all equipped with the competencies and confidence to engage fully and enjoy life.

To eliminate the need for exclusions in primary schools in our locality by providing pro-active and preventative support which builds the capacity of mainstream schools to meet the needs of at risk learners.

Our Values

The Beacon’s work is underpinned by a belief in the following principles:

  • Capacity for change
  • Diversity
  • Empathy
  • Equity
  • Inclusiveness
  • Integrity
  • Nurture
  • Partnership
  • Respect
  • Shared responsibility
  • Tolerance
  • Transparency


















Our Mission and Vision will be achieved by:

Providing a welcoming and safe environment for all children

Providing learning journeys, allowing every student to learn in a caring, supportive and enriching environment

Committing to strong partnerships with families and local schools

Respecting each other as individuals, having a tolerance and empathy for other cultures, religions and points of view

Working in close collaboration with a range of external agencies

Supporting pupils, families and schools with all aspects of transition.