Relationship Education underpins all that we do at The Beacon.  The RSE curriculum will become statutory in 2020, however due to our recognition of its importance we have registered as an 'early adopter' of the RSE curriculum with the DfEE.  

Most aspects of the RSE curriculum were already implemented within other areas of our curriculum, such as PSHE.  However there have been a few changes to ensure our RSE curriculum meets all the intended outcomes for primary aged children.

Our RSE curriculum is currently under consultation.

Parent Consultation

Our parent consultation ended on Friday 20th December.  (Please see the documents below.)

Thank you to all our parents for their very valuable contributions during this consultation.  The contributions will support us in the development of our RSE policy and provision.  Our next steps in this process are to consult with our pupils.  Once all consultations are complete we will share our finalised policy and curriculum with you.

Consultation Letter

RSE Parent Leaflet

RSE Policy

RSE Curriculum Map



RSE Consultation Feedback

There are a few different ways parents can give their views and ask any questions during this consultation:

  • via the feedback form above (or sent home to parents)
  • via the next Parent Drop-in Session
  • via a phonecall - Mrs Wynne (RSE Coordinator) will be available on Friday 13th December for any telephone consultation discussions (01527 514068)